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6 months ago
I had a pair of the same white shorts she's wearing but in black with white trim they were most comfortable shorts I have ever worn or bought online from the site Wish.my ass cheeks looked so sexy in them there's no way I could wear them out during the day but I wore them a few times at night and walked down the road to show them off to all the passing cars that drive past through the main road later at night I stand in a doorway and when they drove past I step out of the doorway and they see my ass cheeks in the shorts and most cars come back for another look and every 5 cars one will pull over and ask me if I needed a ride anywhere and most of the time I will get into the car and take off my shorts and only have a G-string on and pull his cock while he drives around and then stops and bends over somewhere in a car park at the beach in front of every other car in the same car park I didn't care about the other cars who were watching I was so extremely horny I didn't give a fuck about anyone else I was only wearing a G-string and he pulls it off so I was naked and bends me over the picnic table at the front of the car park and fucks the shit out of my ass cheeks in fact of everyone for at least 20 minutes and then we get back into the car and drive somewhere down and I kept pulling his cock as he drives the car and we stop at different hang out spots and cruising areas so I can use my skills to pick up older guys.
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